Data Alert - Amendment of Gas Spot results for the 24.12. and 25.12.2020

    Affected commodity:

    • EEX Natural Gas Spot

    Issue description:

    • On Thursday the 24.12.2020 an incorrect EGSI weekend value for Gaspool of 16.96 EUR/MWh was published. The incorrect data has been amended and the correct value of 17.39 EUR/MWh is now published. Please reload the affected data accordingly. EEX Group Desktop App and Excel Tools has been updated.
    • On Friday the 25.12.2020 an additional empty line for the Weekend was published in error for all Gas Spot files. The affected lines have been deleted.  EEX Group Desktop App and Excel Tools has been updated.

    Affected date:

    • 24.12.2020
    • 25.12.2020

    Affected applications:

    • EEX Group DataSource sFTP
    • EEX Group DataSource Desktop App
    • EEX Group DataSource Excel Tools

    Affected files and paths:

    • GasSpotHistory_GASPOOL_2020.xlsx market_data/natgas/gpl/spot/xlsx/2020
    • GasSpotMarketResults_GASPOOL_20201224.csv market_data/natgas/gpl/spot/csv/2020/20201224
    • GasSpotHistory_marketarea_2020.xlsx market_data/natgas/ marketarea /spot/xlsx/2020
    • GasSpotMarketResults_marketarea_20201225.csv market_data/natgas/gpl/spot/csv/2020/20201225

    Our sincere apologies for any caused inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Data Services by phone +49 341 2156 288 if you have any further questions.