Action Required – Extension of Power Futures maturities for three markets: Germany, Italy and Spain

    Extension of Power Futures maturities for three markets: Germany, Italy and Spain

    From 27 September onwards, EEX will extend the number of tradable yearly maturities for German, Italian and Spanish Power Futures from the current six to ten calendar years. 
    This enhancement enables market participants to hedge their price exposure up to 10 years in advance which will further promote the integration of renewable energy into the power market.

    You can find additional information on long-term contracts (Power Purchase Agreements - PPA) on our website.

    The new maturities will be included in our EEX Group DataSource applications following the existing logic.

    Affected Applications: 

    • EEX Group DataSource Desktop App
    • EEX Group DataSource Excel Tool
    • EEX Group DataSource sFTP

    Affected files and path:

    • market_data/power/de/derivatives/csv/YYYY/YYYYMMDD/PowerFutureResults_DE_YYYYMMDD.csv
    • market_data/power/es/derivatives/csv/YYYY/YYYYMMDD/PowerFutureResults_ES_YYYYMMDD.csv
    • market_data/power/it/derivatives/csv/YYYY/YYYYMMDD/PowerFutureResults_IT_YYYYMMDD.csv
    • market_data/power/de/derivatives/xlsx/YYYY/PowerFutureHistory_Phelix-DE_YYYY.xlsx
    • market_data/power/es/derivatives/xlsx/YYYY/PowerFutureHistory_ES_YYYY.xlsx 
    • market_data/power/it/derivatives/xlsx/YYYY/PowerFutureHistory_IT_YYYY.xlsx

    Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Data Services by phone +49 341 2156 288 if you have any further questions.