Datum Titel Datei

    Data Alert - solved: EEX EUA Primary Auction Spot delayed on 30/03/2020

    Data Alert - Incorrect time stamps in Gas-Spot data

    EEX and EPEX SPOT take part in public consultation on ARENH reform

    EEX and EPEX SPOT welcome the public consultation on the reform of the ARENH mechanism, the regulated access to incumbent nuclear electricity in…

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    EEX Group Pressemitteilung – EEX Group und Nasdaq Futures, Inc. (NFX) schließen Übertragung des Frachtgeschäfts ab

    Die EEX Group hat die Migration des Fracht-Open Interest von der Nasdaq Futures, Inc. (NFX) zur European Commodity Clearing (ECC), dem Clearinghaus…

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    Action Required - Verfügbarkeit der XLSX-Datei von Ferrous Metals Futures auf dem EEX Group DataSource sFTP-Server

    End-of-day (EOD) data for Ferrous Metals Futures is now available in annual XLSX formatted files on the sFTP server datasource.eex-group.com.

    Action Required - Availability of Ferrous Metals Futures XLSX file on EEX Group DataSource sFTP server

    End-of-day (EOD) data for Ferrous Metals Futures is now available in annual XLSX formatted files on the sFTP server datasource.eex-group.com.

    EEX response to the Climate Law Roadmap consultation

    EEX responded to the public consultation the European Commission launched on the Climate Law Roadmap. EEX is grateful for the opportunity to…

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    Press Release: EEX launches "InsightCommodity" Market Platform for Data Products

    On 3 February 2020, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) launched the “InsightCommodity” platform giving users the possibility to establish a…

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    Nodal Exchange achieves new records in power futures in January including majority of PJM and ISO-New England open interest

    Nodal Exchange achieved its 18th consecutive month of record calendar month trading volume in power futures in January 2020 with 179 million MWh ($4.9…

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    Nodal Clear Announces Wedbush Securities as New Clearing Member

    Nodal Clear, LLC, the clearing house for Nodal Exchange, today announced that Wedbush Securities Inc. has been approved as a clearing member.

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    EEX Group News

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