EEX operates the National Registry for Biogas Guarantees of Origin (GO) on behalf of the French Ministry of the Energy.

    The GO mechanism is the only system recognised in France for the tracking of energy production from renewable sources. It ensures that end consumers can verify the origin of the biogas that they consume. GOs thus provide an opportunity for individuals and companies to actively support the energy transition.

    Guarantee of Origin

    One GO represents one megawatt-hour (MWh) of biogas produced in a specific month and contains all relevant information on the biogas production plant.

    Once produced, the biogas is injected into the grid and mixed with natural gas. GOs ensure the traceability of this injected biogas, which is used to address the demands of customers looking for more environmentally-friendly gas. Each MWh of biogas injected generates a GO that is identified by the place of production and the source material used. As a result, users can be certain that the gas they consume corresponds to a quantity of biogas that has been produced.

    Before being injected into the gas grid however, the biogas is purified to ensure the same quality as natural gas. The end product is then referred to as "biomethane".

    In order to issue, transfer or use a GO, you need to be registered as an Account Holder. Production Devices issuing GOs need to be registered as well. 

    The issuance of GOs can generally be requested up to -five (5) months after the end of the relevant production period. They are valid for one year following the end of the production period to which they apply. Once expired, they can no longer be used, nor transferred.

    The GOs are used and effectively cancelled by biogas suppliers or specialised companies for the marking of gas intended for the consumer.

    It is possible to transfer active GOs- within the National Biogas Registry from one Account Holder to another.

    The European regulation applicable to the GO system is Directive n°2018/2001 dated the 11 December 2018 with regards to the promotion of the use of energy generated from renewable sources. The European Directive was transposed into French law in the Energy code, notably in articles L446-18 to L446-22 and D446-17 to D446-44, modified by law n° 2021-1104 dated the 22 August 2021.

    Account holders

    To issue, transfer or use GOs in France, it is necessary to become an Account Holder in the French Biogas GOs Registry. Learn more on the registration process and who the Account Holder is on this page: 

    Registration process & Account holders table

    Production devices

    In order to issue GOs, the Account Holder needs to register the Production Devices on the registry. Only Production Devices located in metropolitan France, producing biogas that is injected into the gas grid and which are equipped with a gas-metering device that can measure the biogas produced and injected into the gas grid may be registered in the French Biogas Registry for Guarantees of Origin



    Production Devices benefiting from a feed in tariff or market premium contracts

    The sale of biogas is ruled differently to the marketing of biogas, which are directly linked to the way production is subsidised.

    All Production Devices benefiting from a “obligation d’achat” or “complément de  rémunération” contract need to be registered in the EEX biogas registry. For contracts signed before 9 November 2020, GOs can only be requested by the obligated buyer. For contracts signed after 9 November 2020, GOs will be issued on the DGEC account and auctioned. In this case, producers do not need to become an Account Holder. They must download and fill in the registration form available below and return the document with subject "requested information about the Production Devices". 

    Documentation required

    To register a biogas Production Device, please access your account page on the electronic platform of the National Biogas Registry for GOs; fill in the necessary information and send the required documents to the EEX Admissions Department (

    Access to the Platform

    The “administrator” of an account can modify most of the information on the electronic registry platform directly. However, all changes are submitted for validation to EEX. The “administrator” can also register additional contacts who need electronic access to the registry in accordance with their roles.

    Biogas GO Registry
    Datum der Veröffentlichung Titel Datei
    2024-09-20 Production Device registration form (Only available in French) xlsx (2 MB)
    2024-04-15 Registry data xlsx (3 MB)
    2024-04-11 Activity report of the French Registry of GOs for biogas 2023 (available in French only) pdf (323 KB)
    2024-03-15 EEX Customer Information – Issuing rules pdf (118 KB)
    2024-03-15 User manual: Issuing of GO biogas pdf (590 KB)
    2024-01-26 EEX Customer Information - Figures EU ETS 2024 and cancellation rules for the Register of GO for Biogas pdf (131 KB)
    2024-01-26 User manual: Cancellation GO biogas pdf (973 KB)

    Guarantee of Origin


    EEX complies with its reporting obligation by publicly disclosing the complete list of Biogas- GOs issued in France.

    Data published

    EEX publishes the data of the National Biogas Registry for GOs according to Article 1 of Decree n°2020-1701 of 24 December 2020.


    Association of Issuing Bodies

    association of all issuing bodies in Europe


    Association RECS International


    Information on French Guarantees of Origin Registry

    All information on French Guarantees of Origin Registry are also available in French.

    To "Registre des Garanties d'Origine" in French