EEX Kundeninformation- Outcome of EEX Power Benchmark Procedure Review with regards to EPEX SPOT Auction Prices

    Dear Trading Participant,

    EEX AG uses as Benchmark Administrator different Day-Ahead auction prices from different Power Spot Exchanges across Europe to determine benchmarks used by EEX for its European Power Futures as underlying and the final settlement price determination. EEX AG has published the benchmark methodologies in its Benchmark Statement in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1011.

    On 25.06.2024, several Day-Ahead auction prices determined for the delivery day 26.06.2024 at EPEX SPOT differed significantly from prices that were determined by other Power Spot Exchanges.

    Therefore, EEX AG reviewed the suitability of these Day-Ahead auction prices for the calculation of the respective EEX Power Benchmarks.

    After very careful consideration, evaluation of market feedback and EEX Exchange Council consultation, the Benchmark Committee of EEX AG has come to the conclusion that all EPEX SPOT Day Ahead auction prices that were determined for the delivery day 26.06.2024 will still be included into the calculation of the respective Day-, Week- and Month Power Benchmarks.

    Yours sincerely,
    EEX Market Operations
    T +49 341 2156-222