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    GHG Quota (external offer from q-bility GmbH)

    As a strategic partner of EEX, q-bility offers the first B2B trading platform for trading in greenhouse gas reduction quotas (“GHG quotas”).

    Challenges in GHG quota trading

    So far, trading in GHG quotas has been shaped by the following challenges:

    • A high time requirement in current bilateral trading
    • No transparency as to prices or market information
    • A considerable level of bureaucracy in official processing

    Why q-bility?

    q-bility offers the first digital B2B trading platform for GHG quotas. As a result, q-bility increases transparency in the hitherto non-transparent market for GHG quotas, while at the same significantly reducing transaction costs.

    The q-bility solution provides the following:

    • Fully digital trading in GHG quotas via the q-bility platform
    • Price transparency and current market information
    • Minimisation of the default risk through rolling KYC checks of the market participants
    • Digital processes in regulatory settlement ensure data consistency and data security, while also providing significant time savings

    Which products can be traded on the platform?

    All fulfilment options can be traded in own products, e.g. bio-tickets (bio-diesel and bio-ethanol, etc.), renewable fuels (bio-LNG, power, bio-CNG or hydrogen) and UERs.

    All products up to the 2025 commitment year are tradeable and they are traded in EUR/t CO2 eq.

    Background information on GHG quotas

    In Germany, section 37a of the Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG) requires companies marketing diesel or conventional fuels to reduce the resulting emissions by a legally stipulated percentage (the “GHG quota”).

    In the following years, this percentage will increase as follows:

    Year Greenhouse gas quota according to section 37a sub-section 4 BImSchG
    2023 8.0 %
    2024 9.25 %
    2025 10.5 %
    2026 12.0 %
    2027 14.5 %
    2028 17.5 %
    2029 21.0 %
    2030 25.0 %

    Companies subject to this obligation can achieve the required reductions via two routes: by adding fuels with lower emission values, e.g. power or bio-LNG, or by acquiring GHG quotas from third parties that actually reduce emissions themselves, such as owners of electric vehicles or operators of charging stations.

    The different fulfilment options, e.g., include biofuels, electricity-based fuels, ownership of a private electric vehicle or the operation of public charging infrastructure.

    Does this sound interesting? Our experts are available to answer your questions:

    Dr. Ingmar Rövekamp

    Senior Business Development | Environmental Markets

    +49 1623430133


    Webinar q-bility |

    Welcome to our trading venue!

    *Only in German


    • How does the trading platform work?
    • Which advantages does it offer to market participants?
    Watch on Youtube

    Webinar 28. June 2023 |

    Current movements on the GHG quota market analysed and explained

    *Only in German

    • Uncertainty due to brown grease from China
    • Above-average good rapeseed harvest in Australia
    • Deteriorating CO2 reduction values for traction current
    • Download the presentation
    Watch on Youtube

    Webinar 31. January 2024 |

    GHG & nEHS: New opportunities at q-bility

    *Only in German

    • New features on platform
    • nEHS at q-bility
    • Analysis of market movements
    • Download the presentation
    Watch on Youtube