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    As a service provider, according to Art. 7 TMG [German Telemedia Act], EEX AG is only responsible for its own content. Regarding the information transferred or stored by it, EEX does not have any obligation to monitor or carry out investigations with regard to circumstances indicating any unlawful activity. EEX AG is only responsible in cases where it arranges the transfer, has selected the recipient and the content of the information transferred and has not changed the content. As soon as knowledge of any infringement of copyrights is obtained, EEX shall remove such contents forthwith.

    EEX AG does not accept any liability for the completeness or correctness of the data and information contained in its web presence. Furthermore, EEX AG does not accept any liability for cases of damage caused by the actions of third parties, taken on the basis of the data and information contained in the web presence of EEX AG. 

    The information service is principally addressed to users resident in Germany and in other EU or EFTA member states. 

    The information and reports contained in this website are exclusively intended for information purposes and do not constitute any form of investment advice. Furthermore, this information neither constitutes an offer for the sale nor is an advertisement for offers to buy products traded on EEX, whether on the Spot Market or Derivatives Market products, such as options or futures.

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    The design of this website and the text, images, graphics, layout, audio documents and video clips as well as databases contained herein are protected by copyright and are owned by EEX AG, except when otherwise stated. Neither this website nor the contents made available therein (including; graphic representations, audio and video clips, html code, buttons and text) may be copied, reprinted, published, transmitted, transferred, disseminated or distributed in any manner without the prior written approval of EEX AG. However, the preparation of a single copy for exclusive personal, non-commercial use by downloading onto an individual personal computer (including permanent or temporary saving on said PC, displaying of the contents in the offline mode and the preparation of a print-out of parts of the content) are expressly permitted. However, this shall be subject to the precondition that such activity does not involve changing the website and its content and that all references to copyrights, patents, trademarks and other property rights are contained in the copies made or that a corresponding reference is inserted. Any commercial use shall only be permitted with the express written approval of EEX AG.  

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    The content of this website cannot be construed as conferring a license and/or the title to a copyright, patent, trademark or any other property right from EEX AG or a third party in any way.  

    EEX, European Energy Exchange, the EEX logo and the symbols PHELIX Base, PHELIX Peak, swissix, carbix and Europäische Energiebörse, in particular, are registered trademarks of EEX AG. A complete list of the registered trademarks of EEX AG can be provided by EEX AG using the contact data specified above. The use of the registered trademarks of EEX AG is not permitted without the prior written permission of EEX AG.


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    The internet presence of EEX AG also contains references to external third-party websites on whose content EEX AG does not have any influence. EEX AG does not accept any liability for the content of these sites. Responsibility for such rests exclusively with the providers and operators of the websites. At the time of the establishment of the link EEX AG did not have any knowledge of illegal contents or such were not discernible. EEX AG does not have any influence on the current and future design and the contents of the linked websites. For this reason, it hereby expressly distances itself from all contents of all websites to which a link or a reference is established and which have been changed after the establishment of the link. EEX AG regularly carries out a subsequent review of the legality of the websites within the limitations of feasibility and reasonableness. If this leads to concrete indications pointing to an infringement, EEX AG will remove the corresponding links forthwith. Apart from this, EEX AG does not accept any liability for incorrect or incomplete contents and for cases of damage resulting from the use of information to which reference is made.  

    Applicable law

    The information provided on the website is governed by German law and constitutes a media service by EEX AG.

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