EEX Kundeninformation - EEX harmonizes Minimum Lot Size for EEX PVB Natural Gas Derivatives

    Dear Trading Participants,

    EEX is pleased to inform you that as of 19th June 2024, the minimum lot size parameter for the physically settled EEX PVB Natural Gas Derivatives will be harmonized with the other physically settled Gas Derivatives contracts both on EEX and EEX OTF. The minimum lot size of this contract will be reduced from 10 (or a multiple thereof) to 1. The Announcement by the Management Board of the Exchange can be found here. The corresponding editorial changes to the Contract Specifications of EEX and EEX OTF can be found here.

    Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Gas Market Operations if you have any further questions.

    Yours sincerely,

    EEX Gas Market Operations
    T + 33 1 73 03 96 24