Straight Through Processing
Straight Through Processing
EEX offers the possibility to partners, brokers and exchanges to automatically register trades for clearing which were not executed in an EEX order book.
EEX therefore operates the Trade Entry Link, which receives a brokers or partners xml trade file via AMQP and submits a trade entry into the Eurex T7 system. If applicable, the counterparts will approve their trade side here either manually or by using the automation possibilities T7 offers for this matter. If all trade sides are approved, the transaction is finally submitted to the clearing system of ECC.
Further Information
Publishing date | Title | File |
2025-02-14 | T08 STP Auto-Confirmation-Rules | pdf (1 MB) |
2024-11-15 | Trade Entry Link (TEL) v1.2 Interface Specification | pdf (544 KB) |
2019-03-29 | Migration of Trade Entry Service (Trade Registration) to Eurex T7 II | pdf (81 KB) |
2019-02-18 | Migration of Trade Entry Service (Trade Registration) to Eurex T7 | pdf (107 KB) |