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    In January 2018, Powernext took over the operations of the national registry for Energy Savings Certificate for a period of 5 years. On 1 January 2020, Powernext was integrated into EEX. Willing to actively support the energy transition, EEX is now engaged in energy efficiency through the Energy Savings Certificates mechanism in France.

    The Energy Savings Certificate Mechanism

    The Energy Savings Certificate mechanism or Certificats d’Economies d’Energie (CEE) was created in 2005 as one of the key tool of the French energy demand side management policy within the context of European objectives. It enables the promotion and stimulation of investments in terms of energy efficiency through a market mechanism.

    The government determines a pluri-annual global energy savings goal (usually 3 or 4 years) in MWh cumulated actualised (Cumac). This goal is then beared by all energy suppliers, also called "Obligés”, according to their share of the total supply. In order to fulfil their obligation, they have to promot energy saving projects to the consumers or face financial penalties.

    The energy providers "Obligés" encourage the final clients to save energy through various investments in energy efficiency, among them insulation projects or condensing boilers. These projects are eligible to receive certificates credited by governmental agencies on a registry.

    Other actors (local collectivities, brokers…), may also participate to the process and ask for certificates (and then sell them to energy suppliers) or have a brokerage activity, depending on their status.

    Registry for ESC

    Appointed by the Direction Générale de l’Energie et du Climat (DGEC),  EEX runs the service operation (registration of certificates, transfers), the legal and technical evolution and the technical maintenance of the platform.

    Publishing date Title File
    2024-08-01 Acceptation Form and General Conditions of Service (Bulletin d’acceptation et Conditions Générales de Service) pdf (356 KB)
    2022-01-25 White Certificates user guide (Guide utilisateur – plateforme EMMY) pdf (5 MB)
    2022-01-01 Sale volume declaration forms (formulaires de declaration de volume de vente) zip (87 KB)
    2018-12-01 Sworn declaration (déclaration sur l'honneur) docx (19 KB)
    2018-01-01 Authorised signature form (formulaire de signatures autorisées) docx (796 KB)