Connection versions
Access to the trading systems via the internet is the access method which is the simplest from a technological perspective. This version is suitable for customers who prefer cost-effective access combined with a simple configuration to a version with high availability and additional security.
It needs to be taken into consideration that data exchange is effected in an unsecured manner.
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) offers customers with higher security requirements the possibility to encode the network traffic via the internet connection. The counterparties have to authorise each other before the establishment of the connection to make sure that unauthorised persons cannot simply connect to the relevant corporate networks. To be able to use this solution, the customers have to procure and operate additional network infrastructure. Please consider the necessary hardware requirements in this respect.
Leased Line
Leased lines are recommended for customers with maximum security and availability requirements. The entire network traffic is not routed through the public internet and, in addition, it offers the highest-possible level of availability.
Co-location services
EEX offers co-location services and latency optimized 10 Gbit/s networks (Co-lo 2.0 10 Gbit/s connections) in cooperation with Deutsche Börse AG. The co-location service are suited for customer which want to host their trading technology as close as possible to the Exchange matching engine, hosted in the data center operated by Equinix GmbH in Frankfurt. For connections terminating in the Co-location rooms/modules, Deutsche Börse AG delivers trading/clearing and market data connections up to the customer’s rack (via cross-connects provided by Equinix). Equinix generally provides all housing services like rack space, cooling, power supply and smart hands. Housing contracts are directly concluded between the trading participant and Equinix. More information on the co-location services and contact details and information about Equinix GmbH and its offering can be found on the EUREX website and in the N7 Network Access Guide of Deutsche Börse AG.