
    Why are indices important?

    Indices play a crucial role in providing transparency for markets and strengthening confidence in the trading process. Building on our long-standing experience in commodity markets, EEX provides a series of benchmarks and indices for these markets, in order to ensure price transparency and facilitate risk management.

    With our indices, we provide reliable and traceable price references. By publishing traded prices and volumes, EEX safeguards transparency and provides a reliable reference signal to the market. A market-based reference price forms an essential operational basis for the market players – including investment decisions.

    “The EEX indices are already well-established benchmarks offering clear price references for the trading community - an essential pre-requisite for liquid markets.”

    Peter Reitz, Chief Executive Officer (EEX)


    EPEX SPOT – Power Auction price indices

    As a European leading power spot Exchange, EPEX SPOT provides a wide range of markets integrated in the European market coupling, as well as local auctions answering specific needs, providing qualitative market price signals and creating new business opportunities. The high resiliency, liquidity and operational stability of EPEX SPOT Power auctions, secure its very reliable reference prices and indices. 

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    EPEX SPOT – Power Continuous price indices

    EPEX SPOT offers the most comprehensive suite of Intraday Continuous price indices, including the IDFull, ID3 and ID1 indices. EPEX SPOT advanced and highly resilient Power Continuous markets, most efficient European market coupling and largest European liquidity for local and close to delivery continuous trading, ensure excellence in its price indices. 

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    EPEX SPOT – Renewable Quanto Indices

    The Renewable Quanto Indices (EPEX x Speedwell) are a benchmark that reflects both, renewable energy production (wind, solar) and spot price fluctuations over a period of time (day, month, seasonal, etc.) in order to better manage risk associated with renewable capture price, volume risk and price risk - ensuring stability of revenues, increased financing and development of renewables in the market.

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    KWK Index is the average of the Final Settlement Prices for Base Day Futures in Germany. With that KWK index helps assessing the remuneration of KWK plants.

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    Natural Gas

    EEX European Gas Spot Index (EEX EGSI)

    The EEX Day EGSI is the volume-weighted average price of trades in the day-ahead and weekend contracts executed between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm (CE(S)T) on the exchange trading day before the start of the delivery period of the contract. The EEX Weekend, Week, and Month EGSI are the arithmetic mean of Day EGSI for the relevant delivery period.

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    The European Gas Index (EGIX) is based on exchange trades which are concluded in the respective current front month contracts (THE).

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    EEX Monthly Index

    The EEX Monthly Index is calculated and published as an average of all daily settlement prices for Natural Gas Futures in the respective front month and reflects their respective market value.

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    EEX Within-Day Reference Price (WDRP)

    The EEX WDRP is the volume-weighted average price of all trades in the within-day contract between 8.00 am and 06.00 pm (CEST) for the same day. 

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    EEX End of Day Index (EOD Index)

    The EEX EOD price is primarily based on concluded trades and the EEX orderbook situation between 17:15 CEST and 17:30 CEST on Exchange Days. Only trades and orders that fulfil specific parameters are considered. 

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    EEX Next Day Index (NDI)

    The EEX NDI is the volume-weighted average price of trades in the day contracts with delivery on the following day executed between 8:00 CEST and 18:00 CEST on the calendar day before the start of the delivery day.The NDI is calculated and published on every calendar day, including the weekends, suring the availability of the most recent price reference for next-day delivery. From Tuesday to Friday, the NDI is equal to EGSI. On Friday evening, the NDI is calculated for the delivery day of Saturday based on trades in the Saturday day contract. Likewise, on Sunday evenings, the NDI for the delivery day of Monday is calculated based on trades in the Monday day contract.

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    Developed to accelerate the hydrogen market ramp-up, HYDRIX is the first global market-based hydrogen index, published every week. It is established from the supply and demand prices for green hydrogen on the German market and facilitate transparency, comparability, while giving direct price signals for investment and trading decisions.

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    The European Carbon Index (ECarbix) is calculated and published as an exchange-based price for the current market value for EU emission allowances (EUA).

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    EEX Global Carbon Indices

    The EEX Global Carbon Indices are designed to track the performance of major global compliance carbon markets.

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    Butter - Skimmed Milk - Whey Powder Index

    Weekly indices for European butter, skimmed milk powder and whey powder are published to provide reference of the market price for these selected products.

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    EEX European Liquid Milk Index

    The underlying data for the calculation of the EEX European Liquid Milk Index is the German price (”Preis für konventionell erzeugte Kuhmilch, bei 4,0 % Fettgehalt und 3,4 % Eiweißgehalt, ab Hof”) of the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE).

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    EEX European Processing Potato Index

    Between November and June, EEX publishes a weekly index that reflects the market price for processing potatoes for the production of French fries as accurately as possible by using price determinations from Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands in the index calculation.

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    European Cheese Index

    The weekly cheese indices published by EEX reflect spot prices on the physical cheese market as accurately as possible thanks to index specifications and a specific calculation methodology. European Cheddar Curd, European Mild Cheddar, Young Gouda and Mozzarella indices are published.

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    Publishing date Title File
    2024-12-23 Index Description V018 - English pdf (489 KB)
    2024-12-23 Index Description V018 - English (Track Changes) pdf (497 KB)


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