Launch LNG Freight

    25 November 2024

    Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Freight

    Seaborne trade of liquified natural gas (LNG) is a rapidly growing sector in the global seaborne freight market. LNG freight rates can be extremely volatile, rallying or declining by thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in days. 
    This level of unpredictability means that financial derivatives are an essential tool for any organisation with exposure to LNG shipping rates. EEX offers three LNG freight futures products to help customers manage price risk in this market from 25 November 2024.

    EEX Baltic LNG Route BLNG1-174 Freight Month Future

    (Australia to Japan) 

    EEX Baltic LNG Route BLNG2-174 Freight Month Future

    (US Gulf to Continent)

    EEX Baltic LNG Route BLNG3-174 Freight Month Future

    (US Gulf to Japan)

    Each of the products are monthly expiry futures which are financially settled against the respective Baltic Exchange BLNG-174 index. Detailed specifications for these futures contracts can be found here.

    Product Description

    Monthly financially settled futures based on the respective Baltic Exchange BLNG-174 Index: 

    BLNG1-174 (Australia to Japan) 

    BLNG2-174(US Gulf to Continent) 

    BLNG3-174 (US Gulf to Japan) 

    Contract Size  1 day 
    Pricing  USD per day
    Price Tick  1.00 USD per day  
    Last Trade Registration Day  For January to November: Last Exchange Day of the respective expiry month. For December: The 24th day of the expiry month or, if this is not an Exchange Day, the preceding day. 
    Final Settlement Price   The monthly price index for the respective BLNG-174 freight assessment (Index). The Index is the arithmetic average of all spot price assessments for the respective BLNG-174 freight assessment of the respective month as published by the Baltic Exchange. 

    *available from 25 November 2024

    For further information on these contracts please contact