Data Alert – Incorrect EGSI Values Published For Delivery Day 19.02.2021

    Affected commodity:

    • Natural Gas spot

    Issue description:

    • EGSI values for delivery date 19.02.2021 are incorrect and only duplicates. The data is included in the files from the 18.02.2021 and affects all marketareas.

    Affected date:

    • 18/02/2021

    Affected applications:

    • EEX Group DataSource sFTP
    • EEX Group DataSource Excel Tool
    • EEX Group DataSource Desktop Application

    Affected paths and files:

    • market_data/natgas/marketarea/spot/xlsx/2021/GasSpotHistory_marketarea_2021.xlsx
    • market_data/natgas/marketarea/spot/csv/2021/20210218/GasSpotMarketResults_marketarea_20210218.csv

    Our sincere apologies for any caused inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Data Services by phone +49 341 2156 288 if you have any further questions.