Information on French Guarantees of Origin Registry

    All information on French Guarantees of Origin Registry are also available in French.

    To "Registre des Garanties d'Origine" in French

    EEX operates the National Registry for Guarantees of Origin (GO) under appointment from the French Ministry of ecology, sustainable development and energy. The GO mechanism is the only system recognized in France for the tracking of energy production from renewable sources. It ensures that end consumers can verify the origin of the electricity that they consume. GOs thus provide an opportunity for individuals and companies to actively participate in the energy transition.

    Guarantee of Origin: lifecycle and statistics

    One GO represents one MWh of electricity produced in a specific month and contains all relevant information on the power plant.


    In order to issue, transfer or use a GO you need to be registered as an account holder. Production devices issuing GOs need to be registered as well:


    The issuance of GO  can be requested up to 5 months after the end of the relevant production period and they are valid for one year following the end of the production period to which they apply. Once expired, they can no longer be used, nor transferred.

    Use or Cancellation

    The GOs are used and effectively cancelled by power suppliers or specialized companies for the marking of electricity intended for the consumer.


    It is possible to transfer active GOs  within the National Registry from one account holder to another. As EEX is a member of AIB (Association of Issuing Body), its account holders can import and export guarantees of origin electronically from and to other European countries.


    The European regulation applicable to the Guarantee of Origin system is Directive n°2009/28/CE dated 23 April 2009 relative to the promotion of the use of energy generated from renewable sources. The European Directive was transposed into French law in the code of energy, notably in articles L314, R314 and R333, modified by decree n° 2016-944 dated 11 July 2016.


    Each quarter, EEX publishes statistics about the Guarantees of Origins which transited through EEX Registry.



    Account Holders

    To issue, transfer or use GO in France, it is necessary to become an Account Holder in the National Registry for Guarantees of Origin. You will find in this page the registration process and the list of Account Holders.

    Registration Process

    The main steps to join the National Registry for Guarantees of Origin are the following:

    1. Download the admission Form, the EECS Domain Protocol and the EEX Standard Terms and Conditions for Registries
    2. Fill in the admission form and agree to the EEX Standard Terms and Conditions
    3. Please note that the documents must be signed by a company's legal representative (or by an authorised person who has received the power of a legal representative)
    4.  Send back documents to the Admission Department

    When the dossier is complete, you will receive, via registered mail addressed to the main company contact, the contract signed by EEX, the access codes, for each contact who requested an electronic access.

    List of Account Holders

    Please click here to access the list of current account holders.

    Production Devices

    The Account holder needs to register the production devices for which GOs are requested. Only production devices producing power from renewable energy or high-efficiency cogeneration may be registered in the National Registry for Guarantees of Origin.

    Production devices benefiting from feed in tariff or market premium contracts

    According to the French law 2017-227 voted on the 24th of February 2017, and to the Arrêté dated on the 24th of August 2018 which entered into force on the January 4th 2019, production devices benefitting from feed in tariff or market premium contracts in France must be registered on the French GO registry on the account opened for the French State.

    The producer doesn’t need to open an account on the registry to register its production device. Moreover, it is highly recommended for the producer, to register his production devices through their co-contracting party. This registration is free of charge but mandatory. 

    All production devices corresponding to the following criteria are concerned: 

    • Production of electricity from a renewable source, installed in the French Metropole
    • Benefitting from a feed in tariff or market premium contract
    • Installed capacity above 100kW

    Documentation required

    To register a generation plant, please access your account page on the electronic platform of the National Registry for Guarantees of Origin, fill in the necessary information and send the required documents to the EEX Admission Department .

    Access to the Platform

    An "administrator" contact may directly modify most of the information contained on the electronic registry platform. However, all changes are submitted to validation by EEX. An "administrator" contact may also register online additional contacts who need an electronic access to the Registry in accordance with their roles. The new contacts will then receive via registered mail their access codes and physical identification keys.

    Access to the National registry for Guarantees of Origin.

    Guarantees of Origin
    Publishing date Title File
    2024-10-04 EEX Customer Information – EEX re-appointed as French Power Guarantees of Origin registry provider pdf (254 KB)
    2024-10-04 Presentation - French registry and auctions of Guarantees of Origin pdf (580 KB)
    2024-09-30 French Domain Protocol for Electricity – 2024 pdf (969 KB)
    2024-09-06 Guarantees of Origin, Historical data GO registry power 2012-2022 zip (47 MB)
    2024-07-01 Residual Mix France 2023 zip (245 KB)
    2024-06-12 Residual Mix France 2017-2022 zip (787 KB)
    2022-12-08 EEX Customer Information – Processus de sortie anticipée des installations de production soutenues par le mécanisme d’obligation d’achat pdf (179 KB)
    2022-05-23 Customer Information - Modification of the fees of the French registry of guarantees of origin associated with the activity of a clearing house or an exchange platform pdf (160 KB)
    2020-10-12 Guarantees of Origin Registry - FAQ (English) pdf (241 KB)
    2020-10-12 Guarantees of Origin Registry FAQ (French) pdf (257 KB)
    2018-07-27 Guarantees of Origin – Disclosure of Power Consumption (EN) pdf (272 KB)

    Guarantees of Origin Data

    EEX complies with its reporting obligation by publicly disclosing the complete list of Guarantees of Origin issued in France.

    Data published

    EEX publishes the data contained in the National Registry for Guarantees of Origin, according to Article 8 of Decree 2006-1118 dated 5 September 2006 concerning the GO of electricity produced from renewable energy sources of cogeneration, and modified by decree 2012-62 dated 20 January 2012.

    Consumer information

    The public information provided by EEX aims to inform consumers of the origins of their renewable energy. 

    For more details, click here.

    Mix disclosure

    Electricity suppliers must inform final customers concerning the origin of the electricity they consume. They are obliged by law to show the share of each energy source used to produce the electricity that they supplied. This may be down via existing electricity billing and invoices or via an additional attached document.

    French National Mix

    The production, consumption and residual mixes are computed using the production data of RTE and the Guarantee of Origin mechanism.

    For more details, click here.


    Useful Links