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    Admission to Trading and Clearing

    How to start trading?

    In order to trade on the EEX Group markets, companies must complete the admission process of the respective exchange.

    In addition to membership at EEX, admission to clearing at ECC is also required. In its role as a central counterparty, ECC positions itself between the seller and the buyer and assumes the counterparty risk.

    Why get admitted to EEX?

    Companies which are admitted to trading in energy and related products on EEX are granted access to liquid spot and derivatives markets as well as a broad network of trading participants.

    • A one-stop shop clearing solution for a wide range of products such as power, emissions, natural gas as well as freight, and agricultural products
    • Comprehensive network of trading participants
    • Access to the most liquid financial power future referring to the European reference price index - Phelix
    • Cross-margining savings across all positions at the clearing house ECC

    Admission Process and Fees

    Visualisation admission process at EEX

    Admission to exchange trading and clearing

    Depending on the markets in which you wish to trade, you have to be admitted to the respective EEX Group exchange or exchanges. In addition to exchange membership, admission to clearing at ECC is also required.

    Preconditions for admission

    In order to become an EEX participant various admission requirements must be met. The preconditions for admission as a trading participant at EEX are regulated in section 14 et seq. of the EEX Exchange Rules as well as in section 19 (4) of the German Exchange Act (BörsG).

    • Recognition as a trading participant by the clearing house of EEX, European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC)
    • Proof of personal reliability and professional qualifications of the person(s) holding management authority
    • Proof of liable equity of at least € 50,000
    • Technical connection to the trading system(s)

    What are the steps for admission in detail?

    1. Contact EEX sales.
    2. Pass the trader exam.
    3. Choose the specific technical access.
    4. Follow the admission process: Fill in the admission documents.
    1. Find a Clearing Bank and sign a NCM agreement.
    2. Follow the admission process: Fill in the KYC - "know-your-customers" - and admission documents.
    Visualisation: new members are ready to trade at EEX

    Prices and fees


    EEX Annual Membership Fee
    EEX Technical Access Fee
    EEX Variable Transaction Fee

    > see EEX Price List


    ECC Variable Clearing Fees

    > see ECC Price list

    Bank Fees

    Individual Bank fees depending on bank and clearing model

    Membership options

    EEX offers specific membership options for individual markets and products. Market participants wishing to trade on a specific market or in a specific product can choose registration as a trading participant.

    EEX offers the following alternative membership options:

    Membership  Products/ Content  Contact
    EEX Full Membership Power Markets, Natural Gas Markets and Emerging and Environmental Markets
    EEX Power Markets Participation in trading in EEX Power Products  
    EEX Natural Gas Markets Participation in trading in EEX Natural Gas Products
    Emerging and Environmental Markets Environmental Markets, Agricultural Markets, Emerging Natural Gas Markets, GB Power Futures & Trade Registration of all contracts that are not offered for exchange trading at EEX  
    Auction-Only Participation in primary market auctions of Emission Allowances (Spot Market)  
    Non-Trading Broker Membership Non-Trading Brokers can conclude trades on behalf of and in the name of participants, without being direct exchange members or Trade Registration members. They cannot open any positions on the exchange.  
    View Only Access to the trading screen without trading rights, limited term of three months  

    Further details on the cost of the various membership options are provided in our current price list.

    An overview of the products in each membership package can be found in the product overview.

    Admission Forms

    Fill in the admission forms for the markets you wish to trade in and get admitted to the respective EEX Group exchange or exchanges.

    Here you can find the admission forms for the EEX markets.

    Participation in the Regulated Market

    A regulated market is an organised and official market in which the conditions for admission and related responsibilities are regulated by law. These are established in the sense of the Securities Trading Act (section 2 para. 11 WpHG) and, therefore, in accordance with EU legislation and EU standards. The regulated EEX market provides high standards in cooperation with global supervisory authorities.

    Visualisation access to the regulated market at EEX

    Admission Forms - Regulated Market

    Participation in the regulated market  
    > Do you wish to become a trading participant on the exchange?


    Admission to primary market auctions on the spot market
    > Do you wish to be admitted as a trading participant for the primary market auctions on the spot market only?

    Recognition as a "Non-Trading Broker"
    > Do you wish to be recognised as a "Non-Trading Broker"?

    Admission of an existing Trading Participant to an additional market
    > Do you wish to extend your admission to an additional market?

    Extension of recognition as a "Non-Trading Broker"
    > Do you wish to extend your recognition as "Non-Trading Broker"?

    Set up, modification or deletion of user IDs
    > Do you wish to set up, modify or delete Traders, Trader Assistants, Security Administrators or Info Users?

    Validation of the EEX exchange trader exam
    > Your EEX exchange trader exam is no longer valid and you would like to verify your professional qualifications according to  section 13 (3) EEX Admission Rules?

    Authorisation of clients
    > Do you wish to authorise your clients to directly confirm their trades to EEX?

    Change of data
    > Do you wish to change your admission-relevant data?

    Change of technical connections
    > Do you wish to change your technical connection?

    Access TR Transparency Platform

    Do you wish to register for and set up a new account in the TR Transparency Platform GUI?

    Participation on the OTF market

    Organised Trading Facilities (OTFs) form a new regulatory category for trading venues which are not Regulated Markets. OTFs enable participants wishing to fulfill their positions to trade without fulfilling requirements originally designed for financial markets. Trading at OTFs takes place on a discretionary basis, and certain products, especially in power and natural gas, traded on OTFs are not classified as financial instruments according to the respective regulation.

    Admission Forms - OTF market

    Participation on the OTF market
    > Do you wish to become a member on the OTF market?                     


    Starter Kit OTF Admission

    Get admitted to clearing

    In addition to exchange membership, admission to clearing at ECC is also required.

    You can find all forms for admission to clearing on ECC's website at Access > Admission Forms.

    Visualisation admission to clearing at ECC

    Guidance through the admission process

    Sales Leipzig

    +49 341 2156-555

    Questions about admission forms

    EEX Customer Care Team

    +33 1 70 36 33 42

    EEX training courses

    In addition to the training courses which are relevant for admission, EEX also offers in-house training courses and lectures.


    Clearing and settlement of all exchange transactions are carried out by European Commodity Clearing (ECC). What does clearing actually mean? more

    Admission to EPEX SPOT for the Power Spot market

    +33 17 3039603