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    Market Operations

    “We as Market Operations work securely and reliably based on the motto « Operations First ». Simultaneously, we react flexibly on customer enquiries and focus on results and innovation. I am proud of our contribution to the sustainable growth of EEX”

    Wolfgang Treber, Director Market Operations

    The Market Operations Department is « the heart » of the exchange.

    The colleagues working in Market Operations operate the platform on which trading participants can buy and sell energy and commodity products in accordance with the following guiding principles.

    Secure & fair trading conditions

    Trading takes place fully electronically. In this context, the principle of anonymity applies in order to ensure that trading participants are treated equally. Market Operations also supports participants by entering orders into the trading system in their name (« trading-on-behalf »).

    Individual Support

    Market Operations is the first point of contact for customers, market makers or brokers in all questions relating to day-to-day business, EEX products and trading systems. This comprises, for example, support in case of technical problems, trading-on-behalf as well as test support.

    Market Information

    The Market Operations Team closely monitors the markets and prices and communicates them to market participants. One example for that is the market alert service which informs about tight spreads in the markets in order to animate market action and, therefore, to increase liquidity in the order books.


    The Market Operations Department actively contributes to new product setups, new applications for the systems and other projects.


    The team calculates more than 20,000 reliable and transparent settlement prices for all products at the end of each trading day. These prices serve as recognised reference prices for the market.

    The role of an exchange

    Markets are the heartbeat of the economy

    Director Market Operations Wolfgang Treber explains the activites of EEX.

    Watch the Video (3:29 min)

    Emissions Primary Auctions

    EEX conducts large-scale primary auctions for emissions on behalf of 25 EU member states


    EEX Customer Information

    Keep up to date with all relevant trading news



    Clearing and settlement of all exchange transactions are executed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC). What does clearing actually mean?
