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Die folgenden Institutionen sind durch einen oder mehrere EU-Mitgliedstaaten bzw. durch die Europäische Kommission für die Primärallokation von Emissionsrechten beauftragt. Im Zuge dessen wurden sie als Auktionatoren zur vierten Handelsperiode von EEX und ECC unter den geltenden Börsen- bzw. Clearingbedingungen anerkannt.
Auktionatoren | Land |
Austrian Federal Financing Agency (Österreichische Bundesfinanzierungsagentur) | AT |
Cyprus Stock Exchange | CY |
Danish Energy Agency | DK |
Debt Management Directorate (The Treasury), Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment | MT |
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy | XI |
Dutch Emission Authority (Nederlandse Emissieauttoriteit) | NL |
Energy Authority | FI |
Environmental Protection Agency | EI |
Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund | HR |
European Commission | BE |
European Investment Bank | LU |
Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) | DE |
French Treasury Agency (Agence France Trésor) | FR |
Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. | IT |
Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, the National Centre for Emissions Management (IOŚ-PIB / KOBiZE) | PL |
Ministry for Innovation and Technology | HU |
Ministry of Climate and Energy | LV |
Ministry of Climate and Environment (Klima- og miljødepartementet) | NO |
Ministry of Environment and Water | BG |
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (Fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytið) | IS |
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania | LT |
Ministry of Public Finance | RO |
Ministry of the Environment (Keskkonnaministeerium) | EE |
Office of Environment | LI |
Operator of RES and Guarantees of Origin S.A. (DAPEEP S.A.) | GR |
OTE, a.s. | CZ |
Portuguese Treasury and Debt Management Agency (IGCP, E.P.E.) | PT |
Secretary of State of Environment - Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment | ES |
SID banka, d.d., Ljubljana | SI |
State Treasury (Trésorerie de l'État) | LU |
Swedish National Debt Office (Riksgäldskontoret) | SE |
The Registry Administrator - National Greenhouse Gas Registry | BE |